Sustainable **thinking**
More than ever, the world needs us all to reflect. And to think ahead.
Both as nations, businesses, and individuals.
Some choices and actions leave a bigger mark than others and grant us the opportunity to make a notable difference. Today, tomorrow and in the future. That is the reason why we frame accountability in what we call “The nine key concerns”.
No. 1 - Carbon footprint
We will reduce the carbon footprint of each driven kilometre by 50% in 2030
One day, all our trucks will be CO2-neutral. One day …
Around 6% of Europe’s total carbon emissions come from heavy transport.
As a transport company, we therefore have a great responsibility to reduce our emissions.
Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint of each driven kilometre by 50% in 2030 (compared to 2020). However, this is only the first step, as our entire production must be CO2-neutral in 2050.
The most important solutions are new technology and alternative fuels, which is why we are fully committed to lead the way of sustainable technologies. Dania Connect already have the first electric trucks in operation, and by 2030 the goal is for half of our fleet to be powered by CO2-neutral technology.
In addition, we use transportation by train whenever possible. By train, we are able to transport more cargo with less fuel, and we of course also prefer trains that run on electricity.
CO2 reduction can also be obtained through change in behaviour. We continuously train our drivers in sustainable driving techniques, and the results are registered and measured via our fleet management.
The green transition is something we collaborate on. We are in close dialogue with the truck manufacturers and suppliers of green solutions about new opportunities and technology, for example the collaboration with Norlys on establishing charging facilities for trucks, which are available for everyone. We are also open for testing new technology, and we have previously experimented with solar cells on our trucks.
No. 2 - Empty trips
We will reduce the movement of empty shipping containers by a minimum of 30,000 containers per year
A kilometre without cargo is a kilometre without purpose.
When a container has been unloaded at a customer’s premises, it is usually returned empty to the port terminal. This results in large volumes of carbon emission for the purpose of transporting empty air.
The solution to this is reloading. In other words, using the empty container to transport cargo in the opposite direction. However, this requires highly efficient logistics.
In order to optimise the number of reloads and save as many empty kilometres as possible, we have developed our Spotrate concept. Spotrate allows our customers to book a ‘last minute container’ and have their export haulage carried out at a spot rate. In other words, with Spotrate we create a win-win situation where customers save money and we (and not least the environment) save empty kilometres.
No. 3 - Green corridors
We develop routes and solutions without fossil fuels
We want to make a greener map. Route by route.
It is already possible to increase the number of fossil free transports, thus decreasing the carbon emissions. This can be done by using electric trucks or performing combined transport with electric trains and trucks that run on certified green electricity, biofuel or HVO diesel.
Dania Connect want to move as much transport as possible from fossil fuels to emission-free fuels.
We work on this in several different areas. We continuously expand our fleet with electric trucks, and we have established charging infrastructure, which we continue to expand in both Denmark and Sweden. In this way, we initially create a number of green corridors on the map, where we perform transport without fossil fuels. In the longer term, we will cover the entire map by emission-free haulage.
In close collaboration with our customers, we make transport solutions which are completely free of fossil fuels, and we offer contracts based on transport carried out by electric trucks.
No. 4 - Safety
We work to eliminate accidents. For employees, hauliers and surrounding environment
Safety first. And last. And in between.
Our trucks weigh up to 54 tonnes, including chassis and container. When it comes to road safety and safety during loading and unloading, our approach is therefore uncompromising.
In order to eliminate accidents completely, we continuously educate and train our drivers. Through our constant focus on safety, we build a common mind-set, where every action and every choice we make are based on the mantra ‘safety first, last and in between’.
As an important aspect of our work with safety, we have made it easy and efficient for our drivers to report any accidents that occur on the road via an app. This enables us to systematically register all incidents and ensures that our Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is continuously updated – and decreasing. Towards zero.
No. 5 - Working conditions and well-being
We ensure proper working conditions and well-being among employees
We measure some results in smiles.
As a company, we have a great responsibility for the people who spend almost half of their waking hours in our service. Therefore, we ensure proper working conditions and a high level of well-being among our employees. Both those behind the wheel and those behind the desk.
One of the tools we use in our work with job satisfaction is frequent 1:1 conversations with the immediate manager. In addition to this, we have more formal annual development interviews and quarterly employee well-being surveys.
Among other things our employees have access to fitness and physiotherapy. Through the well-being survey, we get feedback on which activities the employees want, in order to keep healthy and fit, and we adjust our offerings based on that.
At Dania Connect we also emphasize the fact that all drivers are employed under the applicable collective agreement.
No. 6 - Decency
We are committed to accuracy and reliability in everything we do
We can look ourselves in the eye.
Dania Connect act in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, integrity and behaviour when we collaborate with customers, employees and other business partners.
A few specific examples: All our transports meet the legal requirements for weight dimensions. Our drivers and hauliers have a work permit and residence in the country in which they are employed, and thus the possibility to come home to their families in the evenings and on weekends. Dania Connect have no cases of breach of the cabotage legislation or breach of the rules on the remuneration of drivers according to the statutory collective agreement. And it will stay that way.
We want to set a new standard for responsibility in the transport industry – because frankly, our industry really needs it. One of our great passions is fighting social dumping by ensuring proper wages and good working conditions both for our own drivers and for the hauliers we work with.
No. 7 - Technology
We want to be a first mover of digitalisation
IT makes us greener and smarter.
The transport industry can obtain some of its CO2 reduction by ensuring the most optimal haulage with the shortest possible routes and the fewest possible empty trips.
Technology can help us with this, which is why the IT systems at Dania Connect are always the leading within the field.
New technology – including artificial intelligence – can help our highly skilled employees to, for example, determine the most optimal routes and increase the number of reload from import containers to export. This provides better utilization of resources and a better customer experience.
The right digital solutions also make life easier for our drivers with no unnecessary paperwork and complicated workflows.
No. 8 - Service
We want to exceed expectations
Positive surprises spread energy.
No two companies are the same, and our customers have different needs and wants. It is important to us that all customers experience an exceptionally high level of service every time they interact with Dania Connect.
To accommodate all customers, we offer individual transport solutions that are arranged and adapted to the individual customer.
We have customer service and dispatchers available most of the day to handle shipments, provide updates and take care of challenges as fast as possible. This means that we are flexible and often exceed expectations.
No. 9 - Relations
We grow close and long-term relationships
Good cooperation is based on mutual respect.
The best ideas, changes and development usually happen when several stake holders share knowledge and work closely together.
That is why we focus on growing close cooperation and long-term relationships, both with our customers, our business partners, and our employees. We are proud that the average employee seniority is 7.5 years.
We meet with our customers at regular status meetings, where we talk about our collaboration, solutions and new opportunities and needs. Healthy relationships strengthen cooperation and a constructive dialogue, both when everything goes according to plan, but also when challenges arise which we have to solve together.